
What is love?

What is love?

What does being in love mean to you? No really, think about that for a minute, before you answer. I thought I knew what love, or being in love, meant to me, but I was wrong. Maybe you’ve got it all figured out and you’re good. If that’s the case, then I’m pleased for you! But I didn’t…and I don’t.

Why can’t we be that couple?

Why can’t we be that couple?

One Christmas, a few years ago, I was dating a very sweet guy and he arranged a romantic date at a local ranch. Dinner for two, wine, a box of chocolates and a single red rose, but first a horse-drawn sleigh ride. Everyone was inside the big tent, drinking hot...

To all the girls he’s loved before…

To all the girls he’s loved before…

First of all, thank you! Thank you for loving him and letting him go. Thank you for teaching him what he wants and doesn’t want in a relationship. Thank you for your part in his journey that ultimately brought him to me.